Virtual reality is now a part of our daily lives. From 360-degree videos to video games, we are interacting with the digital world in ways that were not possible even just 10 years ago.

This interaction has led many people to wonder if this virtual reality will someday be so indistinguishable from our physical reality that it would no longer make sense to talk about the two as separate entities.
The rise of the metaverse, which is a term coined by Neal Stephenson in his 1992 novel Snow Crash, reflects how people are openly accepting the metaverse.
The digital world has been changing reality for a long time now. It started with the invention of the Internet, which allowed people to communicate and share information through text. As this new form of communication continued to grow, more ways were created to facilitate it.
Social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram became widespread, allowing people all over the world instant access to their friends’ lives daily.
So, in today’s article, we will be going over the metaverse and what makes it so special.
Table of content:
What even is metaverse, exactly?
Technologies of metaverse
a) IoT
b) AI
c) VR and AR
Features of metaverse
1: Immersion
2: Radical open source
3: Decentralized
4: Prioritization of social characteristics.
Let’s get this show on the road.
What even is metaverse, exactly?
Metaverse is a 3d enabled digital realm that utilizes virtual and augmented reality to help people have immersive experiences in the digital space. It’s been said that we are currently living in the “VR Winter” but there has never been more investment into virtual and augmented reality than today. This year at CES, Sony announced it would be entering this market with its PlayStation VR system while Samsung introduced its Gear VR headset powered by Oculus.
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Technologies of metaverse
3 major technologies will be used for Metaverse
a) IoT
IoT brings the 3-dimensional user face that will directly improve the user experience of the people. This nets many metaverse development company staggering profits as the better the experience, the higher the number of people who will join the digital realm.
This is one of the prime reasons why Metaverse will include the Internet of Things in its roster.
b) AI
Artificial intelligence will be responsible for the creation of infrastructure and the environment of the metaverse.
As these are the social environments in which all the interactions will take place, the level of environmental design will directly connect with the level of user experience.
There are already some elements of artificial intelligence that are being used for game development. It won’t take long before it is also used in the Metaverse
c) VR and AR
As you have read in the definition, the metaverse is incomplete without virtual and augmented reality. Because they are so essential for the metaverse, they are considered a great way to integrate real-life 3-d objects into the digital landscape.
Features of metaverse
1: Immersion
A key element of a successful Metaverse is immersion. Immersion in the metaverse can be defined as the quality of an experience that convinces you that what you’re seeing, hearing, or feeling is happening.
his element plays a pivotal role in the design and operation of any metaverse. Immersion can be achieved by three key elements: Presence, Physicality, and Interactivity. Presence is how convincing virtual environments are to the user on a sensory level; physicality refers to their ability to interact with objects within the environment and control their avatar or body.
This quality makes it possible to think and behave within the context of the environment being simulated – which means not just being able to interact with virtual objects but also other inhabitants.
2: Radical open source
Metaverse is open such as no single user can have complete control. It isn’t built to profit, which is opposite to how other companies focus. This helps Metaverse create a league in its own right.
This also means that the Metaverse is highly…
3: Decentralized
Metaverse is a completely decentralized world that relies on Blockchain to facilitate its functions. The Metaverse has no singular ruler or governing body, and all decisions are made by the collective intelligence of the system’s users.
Metaverse is an ecosystem that allows users to create and monetize their virtual goods and services via Blockchain technology which provides decentralized security for all transactions.
4: Prioritization of social characteristics.
Cooperative digital platforms are on the rise and the Metaverse is gearing its way to make a mark in this niche.
Just like elements that include social elements like clans or guilds, the metaverse is designed to keep the important social elements of human lives.
As the world becomes more and more digitized, we are faced with a new reality: the metaverse. The term was first coined by science fiction author Neal Stephenson in his 1992 novel Snow Crash. Now, it has come to represent the digital plane where people share and communicate with others over a digital plane. The concept of the metaverse is gradually becoming part of our lives as we move into an increasingly virtual world – that is when you’re not paying attention to what’s happening around you.
The world we live in is quickly becoming more digital. With the rise of new technologies, such as augmented reality and virtual reality, the divide between physical space and cyberspace becomes less distinct every day. However, what most people do not realize is that there are two different levels to this phenomenon: a layer that is only visible on screens, known as “virtual worlds,” which can be accessed through devices like computers or smartphones; and a second level referred to as “metaverse” where share their spaces within the digital realm.
Let us see what the future holds in store. Thank you for your time.